
Find release notes & other announcements here

Seedtrakr V5.3 release.

Seedtrakr V5.2 release.

Performance improvements to inventory lots, storage locations, bookings and customers.

Performance improvements to inventory lots, lot processing records and bookings.

Seedtrakr V4.6.1 release.

Customer tags, email prefixes & more!

Blended lots, mobile features & more!

Returns, emailing seeding rate PDFs & more!

Seedtrakr V4.1 release.

Seedtrakr V4.0 release.

Sales and industry reports made simpler in Seedtrakr 3.7! 

Do more from the VBI and trace even further in 3.6!

All-powerful traceability starting in 3.5!

Seedtrakr 3.4 is all about efficiency!

Seedtrakr version 3.3 release.

3.2 is all about Seedtrakr mobile! 

Seedtrakr 3.1 is all about enhancing your sales & inventory management experience. 

We are very excited to announce the launch of Seedtrakr 3.0! With the evolution of Seedtrakr comes an elevated look and feel and new features that will further empower you to make managing your sales & inventory a breeze.