Active/Inactive Storage Locations

To access the STORAGE LOCATIONS screen: Go to the INVENTORY menu STORAGE LOCATIONS screen

Setting a Storage Location to Inactive

Click Edit Storage Location.

Find the Active field, click on the Checkmark.

The Checkmark will be removed.

Click Save.

The Storage Location is now removed from the Storage Locations listing.

Locating an Inactive Storage Location

From the row of buttons found on the top, right side of the screen, click Toggle Filter.

In the Filter row (found just below the Storage Locations heading), you will see a a checkbox that says Is Active beside it.

If there is a checkmark shown in the box, Remove it.

Now both inactive inventory sites will be shown.

Returning a Storage Location to Active

Locate the Inactive Storage Location which you would like to return to Active status.

Click Edit Storage Location.

In the Active field, click in the box.

This will now display a Checkmark.

Click Save.

The storage location will now appear in the active storage locations list.