View Pickup Details

To access the ACTIVE PICKUPS screen: Go to the SALES menu ACTIVE PICKUPS screen

If a pick up is active, that means that the customer pick up has not yet been invoiced. This will help you easily keep track of customer pick ups that still need to be dealt with!

Go to the Active Pick Ups screen, select View Pickup Details.

You will be presented with the Pickup Details for the customer booking.

Screen Actions

In the list of Pickups details screen, you can select an individual item and perform the following actions:

    • Edit Pick Up: Edit the pick up details such as pick up date, PO#, truck license, and consignee.

    • View Changes: View a list of changes for the pick up.

    • View Pick Up Receipt: View or print a copy of the pick up receipt. Includes the total pick up amount and scale ticket values.

    • Cancel Pick Up: Cancel the pick up.

Note: You cannot cancel a pick up if there are scale tickets, or service quantities entered. You must either remove the scale tickets and set the service item values to 0.
    • Post Pick Up: You must have scale tickets or service quantities added to your pick up before you can post it. Once posted, the pick up will be available for invoicing.

    • Invoice:

      • Generate Invoice: once you have posted pick ups, you are able to generate an invoice for all of the posted pick ups.

      • Show Invoice Preview: once you have posted pickups, you are able to preview what the invoice will look like before its been actually invoiced.