To access the INVOICES screen: Go to the SALES menu → INVOICES screen
The INVOICES screen will provide you with a view of all your invoices generated in Seedtrakr. You can search by date range, customer, invoice status and more!
Watch the video below to learn how to use the Invoices Screen.
Screen Actions
The buttons in the top right corner are used to:
Refresh: Refresh the list of invoices.
Generate Invoice Report: Generate an invoice report by date range in PDF format.
Generate Invoice Excel Report: Generate an invoice report by date range in Excel.
Filtered Results Export: A report that downloads the contents (with filters applied) of the screen to excel in csv format.
Refresh List of Invoices
Toggle Filter: Search the list of invoices by status, customer and date range.
Item Actions
In the list of Invoices you can select an individual item and perform the following actions:
View Invoice: View a printable copy of the invoice.
Export Invoice for Quickbooks: Export the invoice in .csv format for import into Quickbooks online.
Note: This requires the QuickBooks export feature.
Add Unique Comment: You can add or remove a unique comment to an invoice.
Email Invoice: Email a copy of the invoice in PDF format to the customer's email address on their account.