Setting Up Third Party Lot Customers

To access the CUSTOMERS screen: Go to the SALES menu CUSTOMERS screen

Adding a New Third Party /Toll Retail Lot Customer

Follow the Adding a New Customer steps until you have all of your customer information entered.

To set this customer as a Third Party Lot Customer, navigate to the Roles, Options & Additional Information, select Is Toll Retail checkbox before saving the new customer.

Click Save.

This customer will now be available for selection on inventory lots that are set to toll retail.

Setting an Existing Customer to a Third Party Lot Customer

Follow the Edit Customer Settings steps to open the edit customer window.

To set this customer as a Third Party Lot Customer, select t Is Toll Retail checkbox before saving the new customer.

Click Save.

Now when creating the toll retail lot, this customer will appear for selection in the Third Party Lot list to be set as the owner on the lot.