View Booking Details


Booking Details Summary:

  • The Booking Details page is where you can manage all the information about your booking.

  • Products, Services & Retail services can be added to a booking from this page.

  • You can also view the booking received date, customer, summary of booked items, booked dollar amount, invoiced dollar amount, paid dollar amount, booking status, and prepayment deadline.

Screen Actions:

  • Edit Booking: Edit the booking values such as date booked, prepayment deadline, booking comments and conditions of sale comments.

  • Close Booking: Close the booking. This sets the booking to inactive. Note that you cannot close a booking that has active pick ups or unapplied prepayments.

  • Cancel Booking: Cancel the booking. This sets the booking to inactive. Note that you cannot cancel a booking that has active pick ups or prepayments.

  • Generate Invoice: To generate an invoice you must have pick ups that are in "posted" status. The system will generate the invoice and set the pick up to a status of invoiced. You can generate multiple invoices for a single booking.

More Actions menu:

  • View Changes: View a list of changes for the booking.

  • View Booking Confirmation: Generate a booking confirmation. The confirmation will show you a summary of products and services along with pricing for the customer booking.

  • Email Booking Confirmation: Email your customer a copy of their booking confirmation and copy yourself on the email.

  • Pickup: Add a pick up to your booking and enter your scale tickets or service values for invoicing.

  • Add Pre-Payment: Add a prepayment to the booking. Note that prepayments added to a booking will only be applied to invoices generated for this specific booking.

  • Add Credit Memo: Add a credit amount to the booking that will later be applied to the booking invoice.

  • Attachment: Add and view file attachments for the booking.

The Booking Details Screen consists of 8 tabs:

  1. Product Line Items: Add products to your booking. You can select from the list of products, or book against a specific lot. Product bookings are used when you do not know which inventory lot will be allocated for the customer pick up.

  2. Service Line Items: Add services to your booking. You can select from the list of services that you have set up.

  3. Retail Product Line Items: Add retail products to your booking. Choose from the list of retail products you have set up under the product master retail products menu.

  4. Booking Pickups: View all of your booking pickups. One booking can have multiple pick ups.

  5. Pre Payments: View all pre-payments made towards a booking, and pre-payments can be added to a booking.

  6. Booking Invoices: View all of the invoices generated for a booking.

  7. Booking Payments: Payments applied directly to this booking only will appear here.

Note: You cannot apply booking payments until an invoice has been generated.
  1. Booking Credits: Credits applied to this booking will appear here.