Creating a Seed Declaration

To access the INVENTORY LOTS screen:   Go to the INVENTORY menu    INVENTORY LOTS screen

PRE-REQUISITE:  In order to create a Seed Declaration a grading report and a report of analysis must be entered first.

Watch the video below to see how to generate pedigreed seed declarations

Enter the Inventory Lot Details screen for the lot you want to create a Seed Declaration for, click View Lot Details.

Once a grading report and a report of analysis have been added to the lot,  click on Reports, the CSI Pedigreed Seed Declaration will appear to be selected.

Note:  If a the grading report and the report of analysis are not entered the CSI Pedigreed Seed Declaration option will not appear.

Click on the excel download of the Seed Declaration.

The Seed Declaration is in an excel format.

If you enter a Report of Analysis (ROA) and a Grading Report for a lot, they will automatically populate in the Seed Declaration.

All other information that is required for regulatory purposes will have to be manually entered into the Seed Declaration.

To attach a Seed Declaration to a lot, click here to refer to the File Attachments page of the Help Site.