Transferring Inventory with Totes/Qbits
To access the INVENTORY LOTS screen: Go to the INVENTORY menu → INVENTORY LOTS screen
You are able to transfer inventory from bulk to totes, tote location to another tote location or totes to bulk.
Note: You cannot mix inventory lots.
Note: To transfer inventory, your target location must be empty or contain the same Inventory Lot as the source location.
Watch the video below to learn about transferring inventory
Transferring Bulk Inventory To Totes
Navigate to the Inventory Lot details screen for the lot you want to transfer inventory bulk inventory to totes with. Click Transfer Inventory Actions, select Transfer Bulk Inventory To Totes.
Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.
Lot #: This field is automatically populated with the appropriate Lot #.
Source Location: The location of the bulk inventory to be transferred to totes.
Target Location: The location where the totes will go.
Quantity: Enter the quantitiy to be transferred.
Unit of Measure: This field is automatically populated based on the unit of measure of the source lot.
Comments: Enter any desired comments.
Override Date?: Check this box if you would like to override the date that the inventory was transferred.
Tote Size: Size of the tote per unit of measure.
Tote Unit Of Measure: Enter the unit of measure for the totes.
Tote Count: How many totes do you want to be created.
NOTE: This field will automatically populate if a value is entered in the quantity section.
Tote Type: Select either Totes or QBits.
When complete, click Save.
Transferring Totes Between Warehouse Locations
Navigate to the Inventory Lot details screen for the lot you want to transfer totes to another location with. Click Transfer Inventory Actions, select Transfer Totes.
Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.
Lot #: This field is automatically populated with the appropriate Lot #.
Source Location: The location of the totes that are being transferred.
Target Location: The destination where the totes are being transferred to.
Quantity: This amount will automatically populate based the size of the totes selected.
Unit of Measure: This field is automatically populated based on the UoM of the totes.
Comments: Enter any desired comments.
Override Date?: Check this box if the transfer occurred on a different date and enter the appropriate date.
Select Totes To Transfer: Press the 'ctrl' button and click on all the totes that you want to be transferred.
When complete, click Save.
Transferring Totes To Bulk
Navigate to the Inventory Lot Details screen for the lot you want to transfer totes back to bulk with. Click Transfer Inventory Actions, select Transfer Totes.
Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.
Lot #: This field is automatically populated with the appropriate Lot #.
Source Location: The location of the totes that are being transferred to bulk.
Target Location: The bulk destination where the totes are being transferred to.
Quantity: This amount will automatically populate based the size of the totes selected.
Unit of Measure: This field is automatically populated based on the UoM of the totes.
Comments: Enter any desired comments.
Override Date?: Check this box if the transfer occurred on a different date and enter the appropriate date.
Select Totes To Transfer: Press the 'ctrl' button and click on all the totes that you want to be transferred to bulk.
When complete, click Save.