Receiving & Adjusting Retail Product Inventory

To access the RETAIL PRODUCTS screen: Go to the PRODUCT MASTER menu RETAIL PRODUCTS screen

Receiving Retail Inventory

Click Receive Inventory.

The Add Retail Product Inventory screen will appear where you can enter the details about the retail product received.

Fields appearing in pink are mandatory, and must be entered:

  1. Inventory Received: Enter the quantity of inventory to be received.

  2. Receive Against Purchase: Select if you are receiving the inventory from an existing purchase. The system will automatically reduce the purchased quantity on the product according to the amount received.

Note: This is only available if the selected retail product has an existing purchase amount on it. For more information about receiving against purchases, see: Purchasing Retail Products.

To complete the retail product inventory receiving, click Save.

The quantity received will now appear on the RETAIL PRODUCTS page for the corresponding retail product and will be added to the on hand and available inventory for that product.

Adjusting Retail Inventory

Click Adjust Inventory.

The Adjust Retail Product Inventory.

Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.

  1. Inventory Adjustment: Enter the quantity of inventory to be added or removed from the current inventory (Enter a positive value to increase inventory or a negative value to decrease inventory).

To save the inventory adjustment, click Save.

Once saved, the on hand & available inventory will be adjusted to reflect the adjusted amount.