Prepayment Deadlines & Discounts

To access the BOOKINGS screen: Go to the SALES menu BOOKINGS screen

Adding a prepayment deadline and discount to a booking

Pre Payment Deadlines and Discounts are added to bookings when the booking is being created.

To create a booking with a prepayment deadline and discount, click Add Booking.

To add a prepayment deadline to a booking, click the checkbox beside Prepayment Deadline in the booking window.

Now enter the Pre Payment Discount (%). Note: This option will not appear until the Pre Payment Deadline box has been selected)

Viewing the discount option on booking confirmations

From the Booking Details screen, click More Actions then select Confirmation.

To view the booking confirmation, a pdf file box will appear in the bottom left of the screen. Click on it to display the Booking Confirmation.

The booking confirmation will show the total price without the discount as well as the discount option available if paid before the deadline.

Applying the discount to invoices

Pickups must be completed and posted before an invoice can be generated.

On the Pickup Details screen for the booking, click Invoice then select Generate Invoice.

If you want to apply the prepayment discount to the invoice check the box beside Apply prepayment discount, then click yes to generate the invoice.

Note: If you don't select this option the invoice will be generated without the discount.