Shipments to Partners
To access the SHIPMENT ORDERS screen: Go to the PRODUCTION menu → SHIPMENT ORDERS
Shipment orders to partners can be added from the shipment orders screen, or from the inventory lot details screen on the desired inventory lot.
Adding A Shipment Order To Partner From The Shipment Orders Screen
On the Shipment Orders screen, click Add Shipment Order.
On the Add Shipment Order screen, check off the ship to partner check box.
Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.
Ship Date: Date the shipment order was placed.
Note: On a single shipment order only lots from a single contract customer can be added to the order.
Pickup Date: The date the shipment order is to be picked up or delivered.
Unit of Measure: Select the unit of measure from the drop down menu that the shipment order quantity will be displayed in.
Consignee: The person who the shipment order is for.
Note: This drop down menu is populated with your partner customer names, for a consignee to appear in this list you must first add them as a partner customer. See Adding a Network Partner.
BOL#: Enter the bill of lading # for the shipment order.
Comments: Enter any comments for this shipment order.
Once completed, click Save.
Add scale tickets and/or totes to the shipment order by using the + buttons beside Scale Ticket or Unit.
When you've added all scale tickets and totes, click Complete Shipment Order.
Adding A Partner Shipment Order From The Inventory Lot Details Screen
Enter the Inventory Lot Details screen for the inventory lot for which you want to create a partner shipment order.
Click More Actions, select ↑ (Shipment to Partner).
You will then see the same Add Shipment Order form as described above, from this point follow the same steps as described above to complete the shipment order.
Receiving Shipment Orders
To receive a shipment order, navigate to the Production tab, then click on Receiving Orders.
In the Receiving orders table click the action button that says View Receiving order details to navigate to the Receiving order details page.
Please click the Accept Receiving Order button to approve the shipment, or the Decline Receiving Order button to decline it.
Once you've accepted the Receiving Order, please click the highlighted Accept Line Item action button to receive the inventory.
After clicking the Accept Line Item button, the receive inventory dialog will be visible.
Lot: This field will be automatically populated with the Lot number of the original inventory lot the shipment request was sent from. This field cannot be changed.
Receiving Location: Select the storage location where you want the inventory to be sent.
Quantity: This field will be automatically populated with the amount from the shipment order. This can be edited by the user if needed.
Unit of Measure: This field will also be automatically populated with the unit of measure from the shipment order. This can be changed to Bushel, Kg, lbs, Tonne, and Ton.
Comments: This field can be used to write any note/comment related to the receiving order.
Receive Against Purchase: This checkbox can be selected if the inventory is received in a lot with purchased inventory. The field will be disabled if the inventory lot does not have any purchased inventory.
Override Date: This checkbox can be selected to enable the option of manually input the receiving date.
Unclean: This checkbox can be selected if the receiving inventory is unclean/dirty.
After filling out the required information click Save to receive the receiving order.
After completing the receiving order, a new inventory lot will be created with the details from the receiving order.