
Laval Virtual ReVolution 2014




Laval Virtual ReVolution 2013 "THE NEXT BIG STEP"

Laval Virtual ReVolution 2013 Call For Demos (v.20121008)

Presentations of the world’s most innovative achievements in the field of virtual reality, augmented reality and their future applications, Laval Virtual ReVolution is an annual honor of the world’s finest VR projects by Laval Virtual. It is a hall of fame that decides the best Virtual Reality demonstration and/or application from all over the world. Virtual Reality is not only a technology but also a never ending story about the history between computers and humans. We cannot know the ending of this story yet, as we still need to find and walk one of the many possible paths that will lead us to a future navigated by brilliant stars. Future voyagers will continue staring at those stars along their way. Of course, a great number of academic papers or commercial products can build a culture of Virtual Reality. However we suggest a new relation between developmental projects and the general public at on-site demonstrations. If a project has impact, technology and persuasiveness, it might move the general public and change our commonsense. So, this means a revolution in the history of Virtual Reality. Please try to join today’s stardom with your exciting project and share in the activity from all over the world! We hope to accept your brilliant projects which can evolve the current conceptions of Virtual Reality and make changes to the current human-computer interfaces and Virtual Reality history. Technology Demonstration Interactive Arts Entertainment VR New Media Designs New Game Systems New Human Interfaces and Displays … And any other “non genre” VR projects Current Virtual Reality technology includes computer- generated graphics, display technologies, haptics, force feedback and interface design in the context of implementing new experiences that encourage users to use a virtual sytem to enhance their real, mundane lives. Edito 2013 : “THE NEXT BIG STEP” Each year, new novelties, new concepts and implementations are announced in our society. In the field of Virtual Reality, thanks to the progress of technologies and to the brilliant ideas by researchers, many difficulties have been unlocked. However, a way to more realistic simulation, intuitive interaction in virtual reality is still a long way to go. There will always be a need for improvements. Small steps for advancement look as improvements but it will not move the people who is continuing to explore the future. We need “The Next Big Step” It will be not easy to be stable with a big stride, but it needs a direction and it makes us to move forward, and finally someone will follow to it to go to the future. The common technologies have no limits, there are no goals but may be no interest any more by the people. Let us define the big wall and override it, which is actually existing but it was not recognized in our current society. It may be very convergence zone; not only in the game but also the web, and for the academic society. Please contribute to the definition of “The Next Big Step” by participating the Laval Virtual ReVolution 2013. Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D Session Chair, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, JAPAN [SUBMISSION] You can register project on online submission system: For submission, you need these elements: Title: Abstract: Description File (format is recommended to follow to VRIC2013) Floor Installation: Picture: Keywords{Augmented Reality, Cognition, Computer Graphics, Conceptual, Culture, Designs, Entertainment, Haptics and Force Feedback, Installation, Interaction, New Displays, New Game Systems, New Human Interfaces, New Media, non genre, Robotics, Science, Technology Demonstration, Vision, Visual Arts} * The description file is not forced to follow as an academic style. However, if you would like to challenge to contribute to ACM symposium series transaction by your article, please prepare it. [IMPORTANT DATES] Call for demos : 8th Oct. to 13th Jan. Acceptance notice : until 4th Feb. For VRIC Recommended projects : Final manuscript : 1st March Presentation in VR Mix: 20th to 22nd March Laval Virtual 2013 (installation) : 18th to 19th March Laval Virtual ReVolution 2013 : 20th to 24th March [Why should you submit?] Laval Virtual is well known as a public field testing opportunity not only for professional and researchers. Laval Virtual and VRIC, an international academic conference run in parallel. If you need an academic reference, we also have a publication in the VRIC proceeding and in ACM. You also have a chance to get a Laval Virtual Award. The Laval Virtual Awards and ReVolution have different submission and jury committees but your installed demonstration to the Laval Virtual Expo staff should give a better impression than in video. [Jury comittee] Roland BLACH (Fraunhofer IAO, DE) Alain CHESNAIS (past ACM President, CA) Thierry FREY (DSTM, FR) Matthieu LEPINE (Laval Virtual, FR) Dylan MOORE (Siggraph 2013 E-Tech Chair, US) Simon RICHIR (Arts & Métiers ParisTech, FR) Akihiko SHIRAI (KAIT, JP) [Contact] Session Chair : Akihiko SHIRAI (KAIT, Japan)

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