(ShB 5.0)
Dans les régions de Shadowbringers, vous aurez un rang d'Aléa par région, celui-ci vous permettra d'obtenir des objets aux PNJs "Echange d'articles locaux" que vous pourrez retrouver dans chaque région. Ce rang est visible dans le micro-menu > Déplacement > Aléa.
Il vous faudra faire 6 Aléas pour passer du niveau 1 => 2, puis 60 Aléas pour passer du niveau 2=>3.
En terminant les aléas, vous recevrez des gemmes bicolores en fonction de la médaille reçue (12 gemmes pour l'or).
La variété de ces articles augmentera en fonction du nombre d'ALÉA réussis dans la zone.
Localisation des PNJs "Echange d'articles locaux":
Gramsol, Marché, Cristarium (11.0, 13.6)
* Vous devez avoir atteint le rang 3 à Grand-Lac, à Kholusia, en Amh Araeng, en Il Mheg, à Rak'tika et dans La Tempête afin d'avoir accès à ces articles.Pedronille, à Eulmore, Eulmore (10.5, 12.1)
* Vous devez avoir atteint le rang 3 à Grand-Lac, à Kholusia, en Amh Araeng, en Il Mheg, à Rak'tika et dans La Tempête afin d'avoir accès à ces articles.Siulmet, à Fort Jobb, Grand-Lac (35.5, 20.6, 0.2)
Zumutt, à Tomra, Kholusia (11.8, 8.9, 4.1)
Halden, à Queues-liées, Amh Araeng (10.6, 17.1, 1.6)
Sul Lad, à Lydha Lran, Il Mheg (16.3, 30.7, 0.4)
Nacille, à Fanow, Rak'tik , 18.2, 0.3)
Goushs Ooan, à Baine, La Tempête (33.1, 17.9, -2.0)
ALÉA "La menace des Fanes pourpres : les wargs s'en mêlent"
Haut Fait : L'allié de la garde
Amh Araeng
ALÉA "Appel à l'aide : l'épée de l'ancien"
Haut Fait : Chasseur de trésors dans le désert
Course au trésor : une très grosse épine
Course au trésor : au volatile voleur
Il Mheg
ALÉA "Les frères Daen : la bataille finale"
Le dernier des 4 aléas de la série "Les frères Daen"
Emplacement: Il Mheg (33.1, 5.7, 1.0)
Aléa de type: Boss
Ennemi: Daen Wyd-Lor (Type Béhémoth)
Le combat:
Il vous faudra avoir du soin pour pouvoir soigner la fée, un tank avec un soigneur peut-être un bonne team au minimum.
Haut Fait : Confident des Pixies
ALÉA "Chasse de Myalna : l'élimination du Tojil"
Haut Fait : Les protectrices des ruines
ALÉA "Formidable : l'arme secrète" (US: "A Finale Most Formidable") - N'apparait pas sur la grande carte, que sur la petite boussole !
Emplacement: 33.5, 21.4
Aléa de type: Boss
Ennemi: Formidable (type machine)
Le combat:
Il faut toujours rester dans le cercle de ciblage du boss, mais lorsque l'on esquive les petites AoE.
Lorsqu'il invoquera 3 orbes, il suffit d'aller près de l'orbe violette.
6 rouages du Formidable
Haut Fait : Annihilateur d'automates
La Tempête
ALÉA "L'annonciatrice du chaos : bataille au sommet des fonds"
Emplacement: La Tempête (27.4, 26.0, -1.4)
Aléa de type: Boss
Ennemi: Archaeotania
Le combat:
Lorsqu'il fera l'attaque "Raz-de-marée", un geyser apparaitra sur l'un des côté de l'arène, rapprochez vous de celui-ci rapidement, car il repoussera tout le monde vers l'autre côté de terrain et vous fera tomber du bâtiment !
6 cornes d'Archaeotania
Haut Fait : Les dents de La Tempête
ShB : Fate tips
Achievement: Stay Thy Blade
Complete "The Elderblade" Fate
Zone: Amh Araeng
5ème Appel à l'aide : bandits en bande 17,16 (nv 76)
6ème Appel à l'aide : débander les bandits 14,17 (nv 76)
7ème Appel à l'aide : fouilles aux ruines 20,20 (nv 76) (activer en parlant au pnj)
8ème Appel à l'aide : l'épée de l'ancien 22,26 (nv 76)
Fate "The Elderblade" at (22.4, 26.0)
1st Fate "Scavengers Hunted" at (31.8, 19.9). Follow NPC's afterwards as they slowly head to the
2nd Fate "Reptilian Roadblock." Spawn it by talking to NPC Darmal at (32.6, 25.1). Then the
3rd Fate "Cactus Makes Perfect" spawns at (35.8,24.6). The
4th Fate "Theft From Above" at (34.7, 27.5) right after.
15ish mins later the NPC's come out of mine at (20.4, 18.0) and head over to
5th Fate "Sand and Deliver" spawns on WEST SIDE at (17.6, 16.3). Protect the NPC, then head over to
6th Fate "This Time, It's Personal" at (14.3, 17.6). Protect the 2 NPC's and then
7th Fate "Armadillo Peccadillo" spawns by talking to Darmal NPC at (20.1, 20.8). Lastly, head over to
8th Fate "The Elderblade" at (22.4, 26.0). Kill it for achievement.
Achievement: Not Today
Complete "Deadly Nightshade" Fate.
Zone: Lakeland
This zone fate chain is weird, I still can't pin down what fates are needed or in what order. But after tracking 3 instances from Deadly to Deadly spawn, my best guess is below.
There's a 2-part fate needs to be done.
1st Fate "Pick-up Sticks" at (21.9, 24.1). After completing this, the Botanist NPC and Guard have a short conversation and set off walking towards the spawn point of
2nd Fate "Flowering Nightshade" at (24.7, 26.1). Protect the NPC.
Another couple of fates also need to be done:
1st Fate "Looming Nightshade" at (8.8, 9.8).
2nd Fate "Creeping Nightshade" at (10.4, 22.1)
After those 4 are done, you should soon see
The Fate "Subtle Nightshade" spawn by talking to NPC Artless Dodger at (25.6, 12.8). Protect NPC's. Afterwards, the NPC's can walk off either West or East. If East, then chain will reset. If you see NPC's walking off to the west, the
Fate "Toxic Nightshade" will spawn (17.0, 11.8). Immediately after, the
Fate "Deadly Nightshade" will spawn at same spot (17.0, 11.8). Win Fate for achievement.
There's another Fate that's worth doing to help also:
Fate "Economic Peril" spawns by talking to NPC Jobb Guard at (25.6, 12.8).
Economic and Subtle share same spawn point. I don't think Economic is part of chain, I've seen NPC up at same time as Toxic/Deadly, but worth doing to open spot for the NPC Artless Dodger to trigger Subtle.
Achievement: Mischief Managed
Complete "Fuath to Be Reckoned With" Fate. 8th Fate in chain. Be aware most of these fates have NPC's that need to be kept alive. So make sure a tank keeps mobs off of them.
Zone: Il Mheg
#2 : Aléa "Les frères Daen : Pixie en vue !" (nv 73) x23 y10
#3 : Aléa "Les frères Daen : Nu Mou en vue !" (nv 73) x30 y12
1st Fate "Frog Standard" at (23.7, 0.7). Then go east to
2nd Fate "Great Daens" at (23.2, 10.3). Get there fast to protect NPC. Then a while later the
3rd Fate "Fuath of Habit" spawns at (30.2, 12.5). Get there fast to protect the 4 Herb Caskets. Then a while later the
4th Fate "Back and Fauth" will spawn at (24.5, 17.7). Again, protect the NPC. Next, the
5th Fate "Brute Fauth" spawns at (25.3, 21.5). Yet again, protect NPC and then head over to the
6th Fate "Breaking the Fauth Wall" at (8.3, 14.3). Once more protect the NPC, then go to
7th Fate "Go Fauth and Conquer" at (20.7, 10.4). Protect NPC and then follow boss to
8th Fate "Fuath to Be Reckoned With" at (32.6, 5.6). Protect NPC one last time, kill boss and get achievement.
Achievement: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Complete "Tojil Eclipse" Fate. 8th Fate in chain. Be aware a lot of these fates have NPC's that need to be kept alive. So make sure a tank keeps mobs off of them.
Zone: The Rak'tika Greatwood
Série nv 75
1st Fate "Barking Mad" (32.0, 20.1), then follow griffins to
Patrouille de Myalna : la maladie de l'écho
2nd Fate "Creepy Crawlers" at (32.5, 25.5), then follow griffins to
Patrouille de Myalna : les chenilles infectées
3rd Fate "Pluck of the Draw" at (23.6, 29.6). They camp there, and a while later the
Patrouille de Myalna : en manque de plumes
4th Fate "The End of the Sentry" spawns at (25.6, 21.6). Get there quickly to save NPC or fate will fail. A bit later the
Puis au matin vers 6am (in game) l'aléa pop
Patrouille de Myalna : l'escorte du gardien ancien à 6 am
=> Protéger le gardien ancien
5th Fate "Tojil War" will spawn at (35.8, 24.4). Protect the 4 NPC's, and follow boss after to
Chasse de Myalna : Opération Tojil
6th Fate "Tojil Annihilate" at (31.0, 22.5). Protect NPCs again, and follow boss to
Chasse de Myalna : à la poursuite du Tojil
7th Fate "Tojil Carnage" at (27.3, 27.4). Protect NPCs again, and follow boss to
Chasse de Myalna : un Tojil courroucé
8th Final Fate "Tojil Eclipse" at (24.8, 34.3). Protect NPCs, kill boss and get achievement.
Chasse de Myalna : l'élimination du Tojil
The last 2 zones final fates are special.
The final fates in chain DO NOT SHOW ON MAP - you actually have to get close enough to see them in mini-map.
They also drop items which you can trade to the NPC Fathard at Eulmore (10.2, 11.7).
The last fate in Kholusia and last 2 fates in Temptest have a cooldown on respawning - 24 hours.
A theory that doing the fate chain when cooldown is over has a chance to spawn final fate/s in the next 2 hours.
Remember each instance has a separate timer.
Achievement: Be Still My (Automatic) Heart
Complete "A Finale Most Formidable" Fate. 6th Fate
Zone: Kholusia at (33.5, 21.3)
6 Fates, over 2 chains.
1st Fate "Ironhead Builders - Resist" spawned by talking to NPC Tholl Engineer at (17.9, 14.7). Go south to the
2nd Fate "Ironhead Builders - Revolt" at (16.2, 20.8). Protect NPC, and then wait for
3rd Fate "Ironhead Builders - Rebuilt," spawned by talking to NPC Tholl Engineer at (25.0, 16.6).
In another chain:
1st Fate "Foes Most Formidable" at (22.6, 13.7). Another NPC to protect here, then look for
2nd Fate "Family Most Formidable" at (25.6, 20.8).
3rd Fate "A Finale Most Formidable" spawns at some point at (33.5, 21.3). DOES NOT SHOW ON MAP.
A fate of each chain can be up at the same time. e.g. doing Ironhead Builders - Rebuilt and see a Formidable fate spawn also.
PSDHoff's comment below: An npc gets interrogated after A Family Most Formidable is completed who says something akin to "our secret weapon is X", yesterday X was "ready tomorrow" and today X was changed to "ready soon" and then "almost complete" after they died. So there seems to be a hint as to how close the spawn window is. (this isnt properly confirmed as the NPC is still saying "ready soon" in one of the instances where it was killed)
Achievement: Another World. Another Turn
Complete "The Head, the Tail, the Whole Damned Thing" Fate
Zone: The Temptest
1st Fate "Where Has The Dagon" NPC Teushs Ooan spawns at (23.2, 22.7). Soon after that,
2nd Fate "Ondo of Blood" NPC triggerman appears at (28.9, 12.6). Shortly the
3rd Fate "Lookin' Back on the Track" NPC triggerman spawns at (24.2, 17.9). Protect the NPC. Next, the
4th Fate "Coral Support" spawns by talking to NPC at (35.3, 9.5). Escort Fate. Right after, the
5th Fate "Low Coral Fiber" NPC triggerman appears at same location. Delivery Fate
Now it can loop back to start of fate chain, or onto 6th fate.
6th Fate " Nothing Like a Trappin' Life" at (26.9, 24.7). This fate does show on map, and needs flying to access area.
7th Fate "The Head, the Tail, the Whole Damned Thing" at (27.1, 26.5). DOES NOT SHOW ON MAP, and NEEDS flying to access area.