Sunday, June 20, 2021


PRIEST: With childlike trust in the Father who provides for our every need, let us bring our petitions before the Lord.

1. For members of the church who have had their faith shaken by scandal and abuse, may their stories be heard and their wounds healed, we pray to the Lord.

2. For the peoples of the world, by the revelation of creation may all come to know the Creator God who loves and sustains them, we pray to the Lord.

3. For all gathered here who are in the midst of chaos and conflict, may we turn to the Lord of life and trust in his goodness and mercy, we pray to the Lord.

4. For the sick and dying of our parish, may they find peace and comfort in the healing hands of Jesus and their caregivers, we pray to the Lord.

5. For all who have died in faith, may they enjoy the first fruits of heaven as we await the fullness of God’s kingdom, especially Phung Nguyen,_ ___ we pray to the Lord.

Mass Intentions – Read only the sentence for your Mass:

Saturday, 4:00pm: For the repose of the souls of Louis Tam Truong, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Saturday, 5:30pm: For the repose of the souls of Lauren Valencia, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 8:00am: For the repose of the souls of Ngon Quy Pham, Dominic Peter Pham, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 9:30am: For the intentions of Kevin Forbes & Family for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 11:00am: For the repose of the souls of Peter Cuu Nguyen, Martino Matthew Tran, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 4:30pm: For the repose of the souls of Anton Tu Pham, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

One more petition:

6. Now let us pause and add our own intentions in silence (pause).

For our needs and those of one another, we pray to the Lord

PRIEST: God most high, you have created the earth and all it contains and bestowed it as a gift upon humankind. Hear our prayers that each day we might grow in faith and never cease to praise you for all you have done. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Representing us in the Offertory of the Gifts will be members of the Holy Spirit community

Please Read All Announcements at All Masses

Here’s what’s happening in our Parish:

· Gather and Rejoice. Bishop Kevin Vann has declared last weekend as a historic welcome back to all Diocese of Orange parishes and with the subsiding of the coronavirus threat and high vaccination rates in Orange County, people should now feel safe returning to Holy Mass in person. Therefore, the need for a general dispensation has come to an end effective on June 12, 2021.

· All are invited to celebrate the 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines with a Thanksgiving Mass at Christ Cathedral on Saturday, June 26 at 10am.

· Save the date! Our Parish Picnic will be on Sunday, August 15.

· Parish Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Please check the bulletin, the web site, and our Facebook page for more information and all the latest news.