Sunday, June 21, 2020


PRIEST: Trusting in the kindness of our heavenly Father, let us offer our prayers this day.

For the Holy Father, may he continue to grow in holiness and wisdom in his service to the living and true God, let us pray to the Lord,

2) For civic leaders and those in authority, may the Lord provide his grace for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the world, let us pray to the Lord.

3) For people throughout the world who are persecuted for their faith, may God’s love give them courage as they stand for Christ in the darkness, let us pray to the Lord.

4) For our faith community, and visitors who have joined us, that sharing in the Eucharist, we may grow in unity, let us pray to the Lord.

5) For our beloved dead, that as the gracious gift of Jesus Christ overflows, they may taste the sweetness of life eternal, especially Ginny Victorino let us pray to the Lord.

Mass Intentions – Read only the sentence for your Mass:

Saturday, 4:00pm: For the intentions of Danny & Jasper Feduff, Nicky & Thai Pham for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Saturday, 6:00pm: For the repose of the soul of Robert Paul Krattli Sr. for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 8:00am: For the intentions of Hoang Van Nguyen and Eligio Eduad for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord. And for the repose of the soul of Richard D. Clark for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 10:00am: For the intentions of Yvonne & Michael Rochester and Family for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 12:00pm: For the repose of the souls of Anton Tu Pham, Ryan Amansec, and Rosa Gariano for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

6) Now let us pause and add our own intentions in silence (pause).

For our needs and those of one another, we pray to the Lord.


We thank you, Father, for your steadfast love. Please hear and answer our prayers this day, according to your wisdom. We ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.