Sunday, July 26, 2020


PRIEST: Trusting in the one who calls us by name and leads us to life, let us bring our prayers before the Lord.

1. For those who exercise the ministries of confessor and spiritual director within the church, may they be granted the understanding heart of Solomon, we pray to the Lord.

2. For leaders of the world, as a united front may they combat the scourges of disease and terrorism, and promote the values of justice and peace, we pray to the Lord.

3. For all gathered here, in joy may we give up all that is superfluous and meaningless in order to embrace the fullness of the kingdom of God, we pray to the Lord.

4. For those receiving the sacrament of Confirmation this weekend, may they fully embrace the special graces of God’s holy love, we pray to the Lord.

5. For the sick of our parish, that they may find peace and healing in the love of our Lord and in their caregivers, we pray to the Lord.

6. For our beloved dead, may they come to dwell in the house of the Lord, especially: Peter Trinh, Al Concan, Alba Sonia Sera, Baby Ruty Leal let us pray to the Lord.

Mass Intentions – Read only the sentence for your Mass:

Saturday, 4:00pm: For the intentions of Shaun & Renee Supernaw (Anniversary), Bob Kishaba for whom this Mass is being offered, way pray to the Lord.

AND For the repose of the soul of Louis Tam Truong, Dominic Chau Truong, Marcelino Virgel de Dios Jr. for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Saturday, 6:00pm: For the repose of the soul of Sam Armour, Ricardo Delgado for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 8:00am: For the repose of the soul of Maria Thy Pham, David Pham, John O’Conner, Sam Armour, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 10:00am: For the repose of the soul of Jerry Forbes, Catherine Nam Hong Nguyen, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Sunday, 12:00pm: For the repose of the souls of Peter Cuu Van Nguyen, Ryan Amansec, Marcelino Virgel de Dios Jr., Neil Sullivan, for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

7. Now let us pause and add our own intentions in silence (pause).

For our needs and those of one another, we pray to the Lord.

PRIEST: Gracious God, in you we find our heart’s desires and fulfillment of every need. Hear our prayers that in being formed by the word of God and nourished at the table of the Lord, we might go forth to build your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.