Christmas Vigil Masses Church 4 & 6

Tuesday, December 24, 2019




PRIEST: In God the Father’s goodness, he sent his only Son to heal

and save us. Let us bring our prayers to Him today.

1) For the Church, may this Christmas season be a time of great conversion to the Lord and his will, we pray to the Lord.

2) For elected officials, may God give them the courage to cooperate with his plan for the good of his people, we pray to the Lord.

3) For those who suffer in mind, body or soul, may the great love of the Lord, who came that we might have abundant life, bring them healing and peace, we pray to the Lord.

4) For this community of faith and for those we love, may our lives be transformed by an encounter with the love and mercy of Jesus who came to save us, we pray to the Lord.

5) For all the Christmas Garden intentions, we pray to the Lord.

6) For those who have gone before us that they enjoy the rewards of eternal life, especially, __________________, _________________________we pray to the Lord.

Mass Intentions – Read only the sentence for your Mass: (Church)

Tues. 24, 4:00pm: For the repose of the intentions of the T and K family for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord.

Tues. 24, 6:00pm: For the repose of the souls of Bill and Tiffany White for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray to the Lord

One more petition:

7) Now let us pause and add our own intentions in silence (pause).

For our own needs and those of one another, we pray to the Lord.

PRIEST: Father. As we celebrate the great feast of our salvation, we ask you to hear and answer these and all of our prayers, through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

Representing us in the Offertory of the Gifts will be…

Tuesday, 4:00pm: The Wise Men

Tuesday, 6:00pm ­­­­­_____________________________________