March 10, 2019

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2019


PRIEST: Our God is with us in times of need and so we place our petitions before him.

*Lectors: Cantor will introduce the response before you begin intentions.

1. That all members of the church enter into these forty days of fasting, penance, and almsgiving with fidelity and grace, we pray and sing to the Lord.

2. That leaders of nations resist the temptations of power and wealth, we pray and sing to the Lord.

3. That those overwhelmed by the temptation of addiction be filled with the grace of God and know they are not alone, we pray and sing to the Lord

4. That the sick and dying of our parish find strength and comfort in their families and caregivers, we pray and sing to the Lord.

5. That our beloved dead will be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom and rest in God’s merciful presence forever, especially Phuc Van Nguyen, Conrade Davila, _______________________, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Mass Intentions – Read only the sentence for your Mass:

Saturday, 5:00pm: For the intentions of Tony and Naomi Napoli for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 7:30am: For the repose of the soul of Elsa Ozibko for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 9:00am: For the intentions of Mary Amanda Ha for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 10:30am: For the repose of the soul of Scott Maurer for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 12:00pm: For the intentions of Father Eugene Lee for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

Sunday, 5:00pm: For the intentions of Sister Cecilia and Megan Nguyen for whom this Mass is being offered, we pray and sing to the Lord.

One more petition:

6. Now let us pause and add our own intentions in silence (pause).

For our needs and those of one another, we pray and sing to the Lord.

PRIEST: God of infinite love, you accompany us through distress and anxiety, and protect us from temptation and evil. Trusting in your mercy and compassion, we bring you our petitions asking that you hear and grant them through Christ our Lord. Amen.


· Representing us in the Offertory of the Gifts will be:

Saturday, 5:00pm: ____________________________________________________

Sunday, 7:30am: _____________________________________________________

Sunday, 9:00am: _____________________________________________________

Sunday, 10:30am: ____________________________________________________

Sunday, 12:00pm: ____________________________________________________

Sunday, 5:00pm: _____________________________________________________

6:30 Spanish Mass with Fr. Joe Donovan for the repose of the soul of Clementina Cortez

Sunday, March 10, 2019

First Sunday of Lent

Please Read All Announcements at All Masses

Here’s what’s happening in our Parish:

· Every Friday we have the Knights of Columbus Lenten dinner in Doyle Hall from 5pm to 7pm and Stations of the Cross in the Church at 6:30pm. Come have dinner and then pray the Stations.

· Lenten booklets are in the back of the Church for donation of $1 each.

· St. Patrick’s Day Dinner hosted by the Knights of Columbus is March 16th. Get your ticket after Mass or at the Parish Office.

· Lenten Mission with Fr. Jeff Droessler is Monday, March 18th and Tuesday, March 19th.

· Tickets for the Spanish Community’s May 11th Mother’s Day celebration will be on sale beginning next Saturday, March 16th after the Saturday 5pm and 6:30pm Masses or at the Parish office.

Check the bulletin, the web site, and our Facebook page

for more information and all the latest news

And now we have a speaker from the Young Adult Community.