
Landing Humans on Mars Timeline

The first necessities on arrival at Mars of the first ever crew will be that of energy the power requirements from the beginning to the establishment of full self sufficiency will be energy from keeping warm, producing oxygen, water and food.

If we assume that first humans arrive at Mars in 2029 as SpaceX predicts then there would have to have been a series of cargo mission successfully land with the basic life support equipment, each cargo Starship with approximately 100 tonnes of equipment including machines and tools, solar panels (possibly even a small nuclear reactor)

Hopefully all the cargo landings would have been all in close proximity to the first human crew landing as the logistics for moving equipment around needs to be kept to a minimum, Each trip between the cargo ships is similar to doing a space walk on Mars as on the Moon.

I think it is probably fair to think that the robots sent with the cargo would have already laid out a field of solar panels nearby just requiring connection to be made to the human lander Starships as I would suspect two crewed Starships would have arrived almost simultaneously to each other.

Most likely the robotic rovers would have discovered the nearest sources of water ice to this first landing area and had already mined a good quantity ready for refining into water and oxygen. The other robotic mining and hopefully processing of the raw Martian regolith ready for producing usable soils for food production and for building shelterered habitats for growing the food in.