
Procyon is a binary star system in Canis Minor (the lesser dog), which is a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. It is among the 10 brightest stars from Earth's sky. The system is made up of Procyon A (an F-type main sequence star) and Procyon B (a much smaller white dwarf.)

At just under 11.5 Light years from us Procyon is usually the eighth-brightest star in the night sky. It forms what is referred to as the 'Winter Triangle' along with Orion and Betelgeuse.

Procyon A & B orbit each other with a period of 40.82 years, with an average separation of 15.0 AU, a little less than the distance between Uranus and our Sun.

Procyon A is a little larger than our sun and a little brighter white star as it is hotter.

Procyon's closest neighboring star is Luyten's Star a red dwarf, about 1.12 ly (0.34 pc) away (12.37 lys from Earth), and would appear as a visual magnitude 2.7 star in the night sky if viewed from a hypothetical planet orbiting Procyon.

Procyon A! - Star profile

Eyes on the Sky: Super Star Procyon

Currently no planets have been detected.

Interesting Procyon appears on the flag of Brazil, symbolising the state of Amazonas.