Elon Musk


Elon Musk Interview 26 Jan 2016


Elon Musk conjures up images of the popular 'International Rescue' British puppet TV program, launching advanced spacecraft from an island in the Pacific with his Five sons to help rescue humanity from disasters using advanced technology, Using the BFR to launch anywhere in the world in under an hour with Pods of equipment like a Thunderbird 2.and a mixture of Thunderbird 1 for speed and Thunderbird 3 for access to space and to a Thunderbird 5 space station.

As of the 8th May 2018 even a first version of Thunderbird 4 submersible, that also one day an advansed version of could also serve as an human escape pod from spacecraft..

Why Mars

This is why we must Colonize Mars | Elon Musk


To create a self sustaining city on Mars, making humanity a multi planetary species.


Cost of getting to space

The Apollo Moon program landed 12 Men onto the surface of the Moon at a cost of $153 Billion US dollars (adjusted to 2018)

The Space shuttle Program cost £196  Billion US dollars (adjusted to 2018) that few 105 time lunching Astronauts in to Low Earth Orbit(LEO)

The International Space Station(ISS) that can allow 7 crew is the most expensive single civil project to date costing $150 Billion(Cost as of 2010) and currently (2020) around $4 Billion a Year to maintain.

People into Space

The US Mercury Rocket Program in 1962-3 flew a single astronaut into space.

The US  Gemini Rocket Program in 1963-6 flew a two astronaut into space

The US  Saturn V Rocket Program in 1968-1972 flew 12 times with three astronaut into space

The US Space Shuttle know as the Space Transportation System(STS) could fly 7 people into space at a cost of $2 Billion each time


Each rocket was what is called expendable (once used it was gone)

The Space shuttle was an attempt to make a reusable spacecraft to fly in to space with a semi expendable Boosters(Solid Rocket Motors) and threw away the main Tank, the cost of refurbishment was $1-2 Billion per flight.

So Elon Musk understood if we were ever going to go to Mars three things had to change

So Starship was Born

100 people to orbit

100 tonnes to Orbit

$2 Million a launch

$10 million per Starship to build