
Spacesuits & Extreme Environment Gear

NASA's Next Generation Space Suits

Orion Crew Survival Systems Suits (OCSSS)

NASA's New Spacesuit design for use upto 6 days with a Built-In Toilet.

MIT Biosuit

Spacesuit designed for astronauts who will one day travel to Mars. The biosuit will be very different from the spacesuits currently used for space travel. It is designed to be form-fitting and lightweight, enabling astronauts to kneel, climb, and maneuver more efficiently. This design can also benefit people on Earth.


NASA Z2 development

Hybrid, Intelligent, and Highly Mobile EVA Spacesuit

Chinese Spacesuit

Chinese Spacesuit

First worn by Yang Liwei on Shenzhou 5, the first manned Chinese space flight.

India Spacesuit

India's spacesuit

Ready for India's first Human spaceflight on its spacecraft called Gaganyaan in December 2021.

Russian Spacesuits

The Orlan space suits


Private space suits

New private space suits for going to the ISS (2019) under NASA 'COTS' program.

Compiled Image of all three US space suits from Boeing, SpaceX, and NASA (from left) in front of the crewed dragon. (credit: Boeing, SpaceX, NASA)