Habitat Enviroment

Living in space, on the Moon or on Mars requires a sustainable habitat.

Having Oxygen air mix at the right pressure with a moisture content to avoid dehydration and reducing the discomfort caused by a dry mouth and throat .

Temperature Control

Air circulation and Carbon dioxide (CO2) scrubbing is required

Oxygen (O2) must be present in every breathing gas. This is because it is essential to the human body's metabolic process, which sustains life.

Most space suits use pure Oxygen that require astronaut to "pre-breathe" pure oxygen from moving from a mixed air enviroment.

Pure Oxygen can be exposive when mixed with other gases (ex more than 6% hydrogen)

pure Oxygen can cause "oxygen toxicity" so it needs to be mixed in with other gases.

hypoxic mixes can work to as low as 16% Oxygen

hyperoxic mixes have more than 21%

use of hyperoxic mixes would help if lower air pressures were used.

on Earth at see level 78% of the air we breath is nitrogen

Helium (He) is an inert gas that is less narcotic than nitrogen

Neon (Ne) is an inert gas that is also less narcotic than nitrogen

Elements known to be present on the lunar surface include, among others, oxygen (O), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), aluminium (Al), manganese (Mn) and titanium (Ti). Among the more abundant are oxygen, iron and silicon.

The Six metals comprise the majority of the oxides in lunar material: Si, Al, Ti, Fe, Mg, and Ca.

Very usefully there are titanium-rich areas on the moon puzzled the researchers. The highest abundance of titanium in similar rocks on Earth hovers around 1 percent or less, the scientists explained. The new map shows that these troves of titanium on the moon range from about 1 percent to a little more than 10 percent.

Making aluminium/Titanium alloys on the Moon would provide very useful light weight strong material.

So making habitats on the Moon and Mars what would be the best mix to "live off the land"?

3D printing of early habitats on the Moon are looking feasible using lunar regolith.

3D printing a house on the Moon

The Moon has 1/6th of the Earths gravity while that will be fine for short tourist stays people working on the Moon may need to have a higher environment.

1G artificial gravity habitat

Using a rotating habitats on the moon to simulate Earths 1 G gravitational environment may be useful for prolonged human stays on the Lunar service.

1km wide structure rotating at approx 1 rpm would produce 1 G

To avoid the vast temperature differences on the lunar surface 260 degrees Fahrenheit (127 degrees Celsius). When the sun goes down, temperatures can dip to minus 280 F (minus 173 C), The rotating ring habitat would need to be buried underground.