
BE-3 reusable rocket engine uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen

An important feature is its ability to 'deep throttle' between 490 kilonewtons (110,000 lbf) at full power to 110 kilonewtons (25,000 lbf) for use in controlled vertical landings.

Designed and developed in-house by Blue Origin at the company’s research and development center outside Seattle, the BE-3 features a “tap-off” design, in which the main chamber combustion gases are used to power the engine’s turbopumps. Tap-off is particularly well-suited to human spaceflight because of its single combustion chamber and graceful shutdown mode.

New Shepard suborbital reusable rocket uses a single BE-3 engine.

The 3rd-stage of the New Glenn rocket will use a single BE-3U engine based on a vacuum-optimized BE-3 engine.