Alan Bond

The Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) brainchild of a quiet, British engineer Alan Bond.

The revolutionary Sabre is key to his vision for low cost space access

Alan Bond Visionary Rocket designer and Fusion power Engineer.

Alan Bond cut his teeth in the British space industry working on the successful Blue Streak and Black Arrow rockets, Britain being the only Nation to launch a satellite on its own rocket design and then discard launch capability being cancelled by the British government just before its successful satellite launch.

Alan Bond said "What is absolutely clear to me is that the human race and its petty squabbles are confined to one piece of debris near a fairly ordinary star,", echoing Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot comments. Bond fervently believed that without easy access to the abundant resources of space, the human race can never sustain Western standards of living and a growing global population.

"Getting into space is not just that long-haired scientists do as a bit of fun," he says. "It's something that's absolutely crucial to the continuing progress to the human race."

Alan Bond owns "Reaction Engines" Ltd set up in 1989 and based in a science park near Oxford.

His vision is cheap access to space using single stage to orbit(SSTO) space plane called SKYLON.

He has plans for a trip to Mars (Project Troy) and private Space Hotels.

He worked on developing new rocket engines RZ2 (liquid oxygen / kerosene) and the RZ20 (liquid oxygen / liquid hydrogen) at Rolls Royce(RR) and became involved with the British "Blue Streak" Rocket.

He also worked at Culham Laboratory on nuclear fusion JET reactor this led him to be involved with a fusion powered starship Project called Daedalus.

At BA/RR he was one of the creators of the HOTOL spaceplane project (1980s predecessor to Skylon) including the RB545 rocket engine. and then onto the air launched HOTOL2 project. The British government stopped Alan from working on his designs as Top Secret for almost 30 YEARS and then proceed to shut down the research. (Good news is that the America's DARPA are now helping and recently had a fully successful SABRE test proving Alan Bonds SABRE engine design not just works but is usable.)

Alan Bond also wants to use the Sabre engine to power a Mach 5 air transport Reaction Engines "LAPCAT A2" hypersonic passenger aircraft

Skylon... Alan Bond & The future of space travel

Skylon...Lecture by : Alan Bond on 3rd March 2014

The Three Rocketeers Future of Space Travel

DARPA successful SABRE test 2019

Reaction Engines TF2 test facility located at the Colorado Air and Space Port, US.

Skylon...Reaction Engines Successfully test The precooler at mach 5
