Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is a billionair that founded online retailer.

Jeff Bezos

In 2000 founded Blue Origin spending some of the billions earned from the Seattle-based online retailer on high tech equipment. Blue Origin, whose Latin motto is Gradatim Ferociter — which translates loosely to “Step By Step, Ferociously.” can be seen on Blue Origin's Coat of Arms


"I only pursue things that I am passionate about,"

Bezos said Blue Origin — "a vision of his childhood dreams" dreaming of space travel and building rockets since he was 5.

Jeff wants to "eventually decrease the cost of space launches by enough to put projects like building a colony on Mars within reach. The key is making spaceships reusable, which is Blue Origin's goal".

"Without passion, you will find what we’re trying to do much too difficult."

“future of mankind is not on this planet.”

“the big inversion”— Jeff predicts that all heavy industry will move off Earth into space, where there are limitless resources, so that Earth could be preserved.

Watch this very informative interview Jeff Bezos gave at 2016 Code (go to 43mins 45 sec for Jeff's take on Space)

Jeff Bezos V Elon Musk

Both have a very strong passion and vision for Space Colonization, both have working rockets and both are designing much more capable reusable rockets as the key to space is Launch cost.

The main difference is Elon Musk wants to focus on Colonising Mars while Jeff Bezos sees the first step to have a million people working in space mainly in heavy industry such as Power production.

Although Jeff Bezos is not himself a rocket engineer as is Elon Musk, Musk is completely committed on Tesla + the Gigafactory and Solar City, Musk has no other positive income flow aside from SpaceX but is years ahead in Rocket design than Blue Origin and has won NASA contracts to resupply the ISS and next year to send his crewed dragon 2 to the ISS, Bezos on the other hand has a very large profit stream independent of his 'Blue Origin' (BO) space company, He also has vast personal wealth that he can tap into unlike Elon who is fully committed. Jeff Bezos is a lot richer than Elon Musk, Very deep pockets like Jeff's will make catching up with SpaceX much faster than most expect. Jeff's equivalent of SpaceX Falcon 9 that first flew on June 4, 2010 will be his "Very Big Brother" orbital rocket not due to 2020 from Launch Complex 36 in KSC Florida next to its Orbital Vehicle Manufacturing Complex.