This is just pure speculation based on current trends

100 racks sent to Mars on a MCT

Each rack containing 10 units with 2 core processing units each with 64 cores, each core unit having access to 1,000,000 Neural sub processors. Giving a total of 128,000 cores and 128 Billion neural units.

Each Neural sub processor having the functionality similar to a human neuron but working a million times faster, this is a natural progression to the current understanding of neurons and GPU architectures.

The optical wiring between the racks will be a simplified version of the workings of a real brain.

This could be achieved ready for the mid 2020s, I am unaware how and when Quantum computing will be a piratical solution in the near future.

It will be interesting how neural lace has developed by then for direct Human-computer interfacing that Elon Musk is also keen to pursue.