Hans Konigsmann

VP Mission Assurance

Dr. Koenigsmann is Vice President of Mission Assurance, responsible for assuring the safety and success of SpaceX missions. Most recently, Hans served as Launch Chief Engineer for all of SpaceX and prior to that led SpaceX's Avionics department, responsible for avionics, software, and guidance and control.

Hans' experience includes the development of two suborbital and two orbital launchers, as well as several satellite projects and attitude control systems.

He served as head of the Space Technology Division of Germany's Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen. In that role, he was responsible for the development and operation of the satellite BREMSAT.

Following his experience at ZARM, Hans worked for Microcosm (also Gwynne Shotwell) as Chief Scientist and Flight Systems Manager for their Scorpius suborbital launch vehicles, where he led a team that developed the vehicle's avionics, guidance and control systems, as well as supported the thrust vector control development. For their Space System Division, he developed satellite attitude control systems using a variety of control concepts, including wheels and magnetic torquers, for which he received a US patent.

Hans has a Ph.D. in aerospace and production technology from the University of Bremen and a Master of Science in aerospace engineering from the Technical University of Berlin.

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