Space Stations

Reaction Engines Ltd

Along with the Skylon Space plane they have designs on the drawing board for a space station for in orbit assembly


Orbital Base Station

China Manned Space CMS

China Space Station

China's Tiangong-2 spacelab after delays launched on the 15th September 2016, It will be docked by Shenzhou-11 2 man crew shortly for a stay of 30 days in Oct/Nov 2016 also the unmanned resupply craft Tianzhou .

Full time crewed space station

A much larger multi module space station will be built by 2022 supporting up to six astronauts.

The main "core space station module" was launched 2021 and finish construction of a Chinese space station around 2022.

Russia Orbital Space Station

Russia has plans for a new Space station as it plans to leave the ISS in 2024, depending on funding it may start after 2025.

called Russia Orbital Space Station, or ROSS

To consist of three to seven modules, expected to include a core module, a production module, a logistics cabin, a platform cabin for assembling, launching and repairing, and a commercial cabin that can accommodate four space tourists. 

 Axiom Space Station

This is a proposed private USA project that will initially to start construction connected to the ISS in 2024 onwards. It plans to split off from the ISS when the ISS is deorbited possibly in 2028.


A proposed 4 person private Space Station by Nanoracks, Voyager Space and Lockheed Martin in the mid 2020s.

Orbital Reef

A proposed 10 person private Space Station by Sierra Space and Blue Origin.


A proposed 4 person private Space station called Haven-1.

NASA Lunar Gateway

USA Lunar Gateway Space Station, possible designed to start in 2025 to be finished by 2028 when the ISS is deorbited.

The 'GateWay' is planed to be a base for landing missions to the Moon, but may be superseded by SpaceX's Moon base Alpha.

SpaceX will do NASA's first lunar Manned landing in 2024. If the 'GateWay' is then built; SpaceX will lunch it and also won the NASA contract to resupply it with its up coming  DragonXL spacecraft.