
Eris with a diameter of 2,326 km is similar size to Pluto giving rise to its "dwarf planet" status as Pluto is now also known as.

Eris orbits the sun in just over 560 years at an average distance of 68AU (approximately 13 light hours) and has a day of 25 hours.

Eris appears almost white due to methane condensed onto its surface.

Eris has a density of 2.52±0.07 g/cm3 substantially denser than Pluto, and thus must be composed largely of rocky materials.

Models of internal heating via radioactive decay suggest that Eris could have an internal ocean of liquid water at the mantle–core boundary.

One known moon Dysnomia

Eris and moon Dysnomia

Mass: 1.66 × 10^22 kg (0.23 Moons)

Average Surface Temperature of -231°C

Eris named after the Greek goddess of chaos

Faraway Eris is Pluto’s twin

Eris Facts And History: The Most Massive Dwarf Planet!

Currently(2022) Eris would take around 100 years to get to using our most powerful rockets but using a Jupiter sling shot would reduce this a bit.