National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) agency run by the United States government.

Responsible for the peaceful use of space and also for aircraft research both civil and some military aircraft test data.

set up in 1958 was for the moon landings, Space Shuttle, solar exploration. and the US part of the ISS. currently is developing

Orion Space Capsule

Space Launch System (SLS)

James Webb Space Telescope (Hubble's replacement)

Deep Space Network - telecommunications system

TDSR - On orbit communications network system

also responsible for encouraging private company's to develop man access to space via the Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) related to Commercial Orbital Transportation Services COTS, and the related Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) programs.

Being a open government agency it also provides many useful free resources such as NASA-TV

"Eyes on the Solar System" 3D interactive real data on NASA spacecraft and the planets and the entire Solar System.
