2007OR10 (Snow White)

2007OR10 (Snow White) discovered in 2007 is a red-tinged dwarf planet icy world, with about half its surface covered in water ice that once flowed from ancient, slush-spewing volcanoes. may be covered in a thin layer of methane, the remnants of an atmosphere that's slowly being lost into space.

2007OR10 period is around 550 years and gets as close to the Sun as 33.5 AUs but moves as far out as 100.7 AUs, with an average orbital distance of 67.1 AUs

The planet's diameter is 955 miles (1,535 kilometers), is about 60 miles (100 kilometers) greater than the next largest dwarf planet, Makemake, or about one-third smaller than Pluto.

A small moon has been discovered with a diameter in the range from 150 to 250 miles (241 to 402 kilometers) wide.