
Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

The Soviets Photographed the Surface of Venus with its Venera 13 spacecraft.

NASA Langley Research Center A way to explore Venus

Here is a good youTube that explores "Should We Colonize Venus Instead of Mars?"

High Altitude Venus Operational Concept (HAVOC)

NASA researchers have come up with a plan to send piloted, helium-filled airships cruising through the Venusian atmosphere. The idea, called the High Altitude Venus Operational Concept (HAVOC), could eventually lead to the permanent settlement of Earth's hellishly hot sister.

Venus Cloud City

Japan "Planet C" or "Akatsuki"(Dawn) spacecraft in now(Dec 2015) in orbit around Venus after an amazing recovery after losing its main engine causing it to fly pass Venus in 2010, but 5 years later orbiting the Sun it was once again near Venus and JAXA were able to use its smaller attitude-control thrusters.

Akatsuki is now the only active satellite at Venus after the European Space Agency's Venus Express orbiter, ended its mission in December 2014 after eight successful years, performing a death dive into the thick Venusian atmosphere after exhausting its fuel supply.