Virgin Galactic

22 Feb 2019 First space flight with two pilots, Dave Mackay and Mike “Sooch” Masucci and a passenger 'Astronaut trainer' Beth Moses(571st human in space) becoming the first woman in space on board a commercial space craft. The fifth powered flight test of VSS Unity.

Chief Pilot, Dave Mackay became the 569th person to enter space and the first Scottish-born astronaut!

SpaceShipTwo reached Mach 3.04 and an apogee of: 55.87miles. 295,007ft (89.9km)

Virgin Galactic hopes to achieve flights to the Karman line is an internationally accepted threshold for space, which is 100 km, or 62 miles above the surface of the Earth.

Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity Soars Into Space for 2nd Time

13 Dec 2018 First Space flight with two pilots, Mark Stucky and co-pilot Frederick C.J. Sturckow whom the FAA awarded spaceflight wings. The forth powered flight test of VSS Unity.

That test flight reached an altitude of 51.4 miles, or nearly 83 kilometers. The U.S. government consider pilots who have flown above 80 kilometers to be astronauts.

Virgin Galactic Spaceship Pilots