Prospective Piloted Transport System - New Generation Piloted Transport Ship

Now called 'Federation' renamed to 'Orel'

To be launched on the upcoming Angara A5

Possible unmanned test due in 2015/16. Now delayed and is expected to be completed in 2021. Its first launches to the International Space Station (ISS) in both manned and unmanned modes are scheduled for 2023.

Since renamed Orel it may not be until 2025 for first crewed mission to the ISS

Two versions:

1/ Earth orbit (station) 12 tons, crew of 6 to the ISS (2017-2018) Cargo 500Kg, Flight 5 days, 1 Year attached to ISS.



Possibly "reusable", Apparently the Russian Military may have already tested it!!!

2/ Lunar orbit version 16.5 tons for 4 crew to the moon (no date) Cargo 100Kg, Mission 14 days.

Roscosmos envisions that the 'Federation' spacecraft will be capable of reaching the Moon in 2024-2025, while the first actual flight to the Moon is planned after 2025.
