AI and ASI

There are three levels of Artificial Intelligence(AI) Narrow AI, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Each will have its place on Mars. (See external link what is AI)

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) is something Elon Musk has pondered even though he warns that of ASI as a possible existential threat. Elon Musk is well placed to understand the need for AI and is funding research in to AI robotics "Open AI project" also as CEO of Tesla with its goal of fully autonomous cars(Narrow AI), Musk says that maybe within 10 years the AI in cars will be so safe that maybe we be required not to drive by law.

The Mars City will see a great deal of autonomous AI robotic mining and construction (AGI Mining supervised by Humans of an ASI)

Local Computing power is important as there may be black out periods with Earth at time when Mars is furthest from earth behind the Sun also when the communication delay times are at there longest.

A core Database of knowledge that we take for granted here on Earth will be essential for day to day living on Mars.

by the Mid 2020s vast amounts of data will be able to be stored in small a light weigh modules and be able to easily be transported to Mars.

Ultimately ASI based systems will be needed on Mars

Given that real time ASI will be poignant on Mars as apposed to sending data to an Earth based ASI and waiting for an answers to come back again.

An ASI on mars would require Super Computing.

One near term possibility before 2030 (Quantum Qbit computers are still very much in development) would be to use the 'Starship' or 'Mars Colonial Transport (MCT)' in place of 100 people to send 100 cabinets MSC1 Mars Super Computer 1 made from advanced technology and each additional flight to mars expanding its capability. enabling a growing AI and eventually an ASI based system to be implemented.

As the Colony on Mars increases an ASI environment control and also defence system will be required. ironically partially to protect Mars from attack form possible Earth based ASI's.

An ASI on Mars is far off yet may be more important than we can imaging today of how such a super intelligence would quickly resolve urgent issues on such a hostile environment that Mars is.