Omelek Island (Marshall Islands)

Omelek Island (part of the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands) was the original Launch Site used for the Falcon 1 rocket F1) between 2006 and 2009.

Omelek Island is Located 2,000km North East from Australia in the Pacific Ocean.

Side notes: the Marshall Islands were once used as a U.S. nuclear test site and are currently used by NASA for launching sounding rockets. Originally SpaceX hoped to have used Vandenberg for the F1.

Speculatively Omelek Island could be used for BFS testing in 2019/21 (currently there is no evidence to back this possibility) as the BFS can be shipped directly from the port of LA BFS prototyping production facility. The other likely location for BFS testing is Boca Chica Beach in South Texas by shipping via the panama canal, there has also been speculation of Mcgregor Texas but that would have road transportation problems.

First three launches failed, fourth succeeded.

Falcon 1 DemoFlight 2 Launch - Omelek Island 21 March 2007

Omelek Island (wiki Link)