Would I go to Mars

As I am always going on about Elon Musk and his vision of a city on Mars My children asked me did I want to go to Mars, the quick answer was "no".

As I pondered this as I have always wanted to go into space and see the Earth as the blue pebble.

Earthrise Image has had profound affect.

Astronaut Jim Lovell reflected on his experience as he looked out of the window of the command module while orbiting the moon he looked at the Earth and raised his hand in front of his face, the Earth appeared so small he was able to block it out completely behind his thumb, all human experience over the millennia blocked out by his thumb.

Yes I would love to go to the Earth's moon(Luna) and see Earth from that vantage point.

I would love to experience floating in space as we transite to Luna and when arrived see if I could fly in a dome on the moon using just a pair of clip on wings in the 1/6 G environment.

From Mars the Earth is as hard to find trying to look at Mars from Earth. The idea of spending months in transit to Mars with very little to do, does not appeal to me, even if the issues of radiation and bone loss are mitigated as much as feasible returning to Earth will be a problem and I have no wish to die on Mars (one way trip).

I am too old to wait for a spacecraft that can simulated gravity by accelerating and decelerating at a constant 1 G giving a journey time to Mars of just under 2 Earth days (Mars during its closest approach to Earth is around 65 million km the Travel time at 9.8 m/s2, decelerating halfway) given this advancement going to Mars would be amazing.

I am not that keen to just spend around 4 minutes just above the Kármán line although the view would be out of this world, so Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic are not for me.

So I personally hope that in the next 20 years a trip to Luna will become affordable or failing that a Bigelow space hotel would be an awesome adventure of my lifetime and I will be able to share it with my family.