
Many interesting study concepts for using and going to our Moon Luna have been made, here are a few of that may be of interest.

1942 German Moon Base proposal!!!

1946 Published book "von Braun et al"


SR-183 USA focused on establishing a lunar observatory that might host photographic and other optical and electromagnetic sensors targeted on the Earth and near space.


Project Horizon

A USA lunar base for exploration of the moon, for further exploration of space, and for scientific investigations on the moon

A group headed by Werner von Braun wrote a study of the lunar outpost for the development of a moon-based surveillance of the Earth and a communications relay for its operations on the surface of the moon."



Lunar Expedition Plan (Lunex)

A US airforce plan to claim the moon as U.S. property.


USA Sub-surface base four meters below the surface located at the Sea of Tranquility for a crew of 21.


Japan planned to have a Moon base in 2030

NASA Lunar Architecture Study


Lunar Noah's Ark was proposed Jim Burke of the International Space University in France.

Russia planned to have a Moon base in 2027–32.


NASA Luna Science Institute (defunct) proposal for updated international vision for an underground base followed with a round dome by 2050.

2016 Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Chief of ESA, proposed the International Moon Village.

Rice University on September 12th, 1962

MoonBase from 1955 (TWA)
