GJ 1132b

At approximatly 1.35 x the mass of Earth this is the first exo planet of simular terrestrial size to Earth to have a confirmed atmosphere.

It orbits a nearby M class red dwarf, Giliese 1132 that is only one-fifth the size of our Sun and is 39 light years (12 parsecs) from Earth.

The star is cooler and much fainter than the Sun, emitting just 1/200th as much light.

Gliese 1132 b orbits its star every 1.6 days at a distance of 1.4 million miles. as such it is much closer than the 36-million-mile orbit of Mercury in our solar system resultly GJ 1132b is baked to a temperature of about 450 degrees Fahrenheit, Such temperatures would boil off any water the planet may have once held, but still allows for the presence of its atmosphere.

a diameter of about 9,200 miles.

It has an Earth-like rocky interior, with ~70% silicate and ~30% Fe.

A H2O-rich water world and Methane CH4 has also been indicated.

The planet receives 19 times more stellar radiation than Earth. The temperature of the top of its atmosphere is estimated at 500 °F (260 °C; 533 K). The planet is estimated to be hotter than Venus, as higher temperatures may prevail near the surface. It is possible that one side of the planet is cooler, because it is presumed to be tidally locked due to its proximity to its star; however, under most circumstances where an atmosphere is thick, it would be able to transfer heat to the far side.

GJ 1132b has sister planets but have yet to be detected(Dec 2016).