Starship BFR(ITSy)

The new 9 meter version Starship


100Tons to LEO fully reusable (maybe as high as 150Tons with the new Stainless Steel updated version)

or 100Tons to Mars with in orbit refuelling use tanker version

Delta V with Full tanks 9.2 Km/s (requires 5 refuelling tankers)

In an interview in April 2021 Elon Musk said that Starship was getting close to being able to deliver almost 200tons to the Moon.


The Spaceship design will come in a variety of forms.

Starship BFR Spaceship

Fuel CH4(240tons Methane) and O2(860tons Oxygen)

4 Raptor Engines (Isp 375s Thrust 1,900kN) and 2 sea level Raptor engines (Isp 330s(Vac 356s) Thrust 1,700kN)

Starship BFR Spaceship engines

The 4 Raptor Engines toward the outside and the 2 sea level Raptor engines in the middle, and four pipes extending back, two with flared ends (for propellant loading)

NOTE as of May 2019 this may change to 3 Vacuum engines and 3 Sea Level Raptor Engines.

First stage (Booster)

All versions of the Spaceship design will use the same Fully Reusable First stage (Booster) SEE Super Heavy

32 sea level Raptor Engines producing liftoff thrust 5400 tons

NOTE as of May 2019 this may change to 31

launch will be from a Launch Mount with integral fueling connections, removing the need for the current F9/FH erector.

The Booster will be designed to use precision landing back on to the Launch Mount, thus not requiring any legs for landing.

Spaceship - Refueling Tanker

This will use the basic spaceship design with fuel tanks in place of cargo/passengers and is a key part of the system to in orbit refuel the other variants. A Mars trip will require 5 refueling Tanker launches.

Spaceship - Cargo/Space Debris Capture

The Cargo version of the Spaceship will be initially for satellite deployment, but be expanded for use with delivering cargo to the ISS, Moon and Mars.

A secondary function of this version will be for the removal of Space Debris.

concept of BFR Cargo Spaceship launching a space telescope

Spaceship - Mars/Moon Manned

This Spaceship version will be for transporting people to the Moon or Mars.

It will have 40 Cabins for 2-3 people each.

Spaceship - Earth Point to Point transporter

This Spaceship version will be for transporting people point to point on Earth in a suborbital hop of around 30minues or upto one hour to anywhere on Earth. It may have seats for maybe around 500 people.


See Boca Chica Beach