Benjamin Reed

Benjamin “Benji” Reed is the Director of Crew Mission Management at SpaceX.

Over the past 20 years, he has been a leader in various commercial aerospace and NASA programs, including hardware development serving the Hubble Space Telescope, ISS, and planetary science missions. He spent many years as the co-owner of a software and internet development firm and has also been a teacher.

Benji joined SpaceX and became a Mission Manager for Dragon cargo missions to the International Space Station, including the CRS-3 mission which carried the first science payloads in the Dragon trunk.

Currently Benji spearheads SpaceX's development and certification efforts for the Crew Transportation System, including the Dragon spacecraft, Falcon 9 rocket, ground systems, and operations.

Benji lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife and three children. A native of Boulder, Colorado where he gained a degree in Mathematics from the University of Colorado, working at the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy on programs including the Far Ultraviolet Spectrographic Explorer and the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.