Boeing Blue suit

On the 25th Jan 2017, Boeing showcased its newly-designed spacesuit publicly for the first time. The suit was introduced by former astronaut Chris Ferguson, who is now the director of Crew and Mission Operations for Boeing’s Commercial Crew Program.

Boeing Blue suit

The Boeing Blue spacesuit has been designed ready use for astronaughts using the Boeing Starliner’s crew

This is a remakable new design weighing only 12 pounds using zippers will be customized for each crew member to maximize protection, capability and comfort.


The suit’s “hood-like” soft helmet and a cap for the communications headset gives good peripheral vision due to its wide polycarbonate visor that uses a zipper.

The headset allows the astronauts when pressureised to communicate with the ground and space crews during launch and return to Earth.


The torso uses zippers to enable easier transition for astronauts between sitting and standing. Mobility joints in the shoulders and elbows allow for ease of movement while the suit is pressurized, to help keep astronauts cool and comfortable located on the abdomen of the suit are easy access gas intake and output valves allowing airflow and for water vapor to pass through the fabric of the suit instead of air.


The leather gloves that astronauts will use features innovative touchscreen-friendly pads for interacting with the capsule’s tablet computers.