
Law on Mars does not need to be Earth based, yet the ten commandments given in the Bible are a very good starting point for basic human relationships

Other laws governing other aspects of society will need to be Mars specific.

One aspect of laws I think Elon Musk proposes for Mars is that all these laws have a sunset clause.

Elon Musk take on Mars Law and government

It should be harder to create laws than it is to get rid of ones that aren't working well. "I think I would recommend some adjustment for the inertia of laws would be wise. It should probably be easier to remove a law than create one," said Musk. "I think that's probably good, because laws have infinite life unless they're taken away."

As an example, Musk envisioned a scenario in which a bill would need 60 percent of the vote to become a law, but it could be removed at any time with more than 40 percent of the vote. He also argued that all laws should have a built-in sunset provision — a clause that basically establishes an expiration date for the law unless it's approved again. "If it's not good enough to be voted back in, maybe it shouldn't be there,"