Cargo Vehicle System


The primary mission of Cargo Vehicle System is the research and development of “Tianzhou” cargo vehicle. “Tianzhou” cargo vehicle is responsible for providing the space station (or space lab) with the cargo and payload transportation, replenishment of propellant, onboard storage, offloading of waste material, and controlled reentering into the designated areas after the mission.

Its first Launch was 20th April 2017 and docked on 22 April to refuel the Tiangong2 space laboratory. The uncrewed Tianzhou-1 cargo resupply spacecraft launched atop a Long March 7 Y2 booster from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in the southern island province of Hainan.

The uncrewed Tianzhou-1 cargo resupply spacecraft

The main goal for Tianzhou is supporting the permanently manned space station set for launch in 2022.

Manned Space Station System