
The first Interplanetary Spaceship is going to be named "Heart of Gold" in reference to the ship carrying the Infinite Improbability Drive, from the novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Heart of Gold" will do an unmanned mission to Mars full of equipment for boot strapping the first Mars base called "Alpha" and then to become the first human habitat on Mars.

The spaceship should hold a cargo of up to 450 tons depending on how many refills are done with the tanker.

Shielding most likely will comprise a large internal water layer to help protect occupants from space radiation, and may have a cabin oxygen content that is up to two times that which is found in Earth's atmosphere. The initial tests of the spaceship are not expected prior to 2020, with the ITS booster to follow only later.

The first human rated spaceships will be capable of transporting at least 100 people but the first Human flight to Mars will have a crew of 12 and the remaining space used for addition equipment for initialising the power requirements for the Mars base Alpha. the first humans to Mars is targeted for launch as soon as 2024 but will more likely be 2026 to arrive 2027.

Earth to Mars transit distances year against distance in The minimum distance between the orbits of Mars and Earth from 2014 to 2061, measured in astronomical units(AU).

So a late 2020s mission to Mars will take almost twice as long as a mid 2030s mission to arrive at Mars from Earth.

Elon Musk said. the spaceships will also likely feature movie theatres, lecture halls and a restaurant, giving the Red Planet pioneers a far different experience than that enjoyed by NASA's Apollo astronauts, who were crammed into a tiny capsule on their way to the moon. "But hey, there’s always the zero-G games on the way there."

Later larger versions are also on the drawing board for over 200 people.