Blue Origin Historic Rocket Landing

Post date: Nov 24, 2015 7:59:45 PM

On 23 November 2015 Jeff Bezos' company Blue Origin Successfully launched a "New Shepard" Rocket with a capsule and also Successfully land both parts back to the launch site in Texas.

An incredible achievement, Congratulations to all at Blue Origin.

In 2016 in the first instance New Shepard will fly as a commercial platform for science, allowing researchers to run experiments during the few minutes of weightlessness experienced in the capsule at the top of its arc.

These unmanned missions would help prove this reusable vehicle readiness to carry fare-paying passengers.

New Shepard has the capability to transport up to six people to just over 100km in altitude. It reached this goal at the test this Monday, achieving a maximum altitude of 329,839ft (100.5km).