Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1) Cape Canaveral Air Force station(CCAFS)

Built on the old Launch Complex 13 (LC13 between LC14 to the North and LC12 to the South)

LZ1 plan

Supplemental environmental assessment.

activities at the LZ-1 Hypergol Processing Facility therefore include:

 Hypergolic Propellant (MMH and NTO) Load and Offload

 Post Flight and Static Fire Helium and Prop Tank Ullage Venting

 System and/or component decontamination

 Non-Hazardous component removal, inspection, repair and replacement

 Integrated vehicle checkouts

Flight Termination System (FTS) explosives would also be rendered “inert” prior to declaring the vehicles safe.


The Proposed Action would include constructing two additional concrete landing pads, each with an approximate

radius of 141 feet (42.98 meters) surrounded by an approximate 50 foot (15.24 meter)-wide hard-packed soil “apron”,

which would bring the diameter of each pad area to approximately 400 feet (122 meters). These two additional

landing pads would be in a north and a south area


Additionally, a Dragon capsule processing facility would be built at LZ-1 to support the initial but temporary capsule

operations at CCAFS. The facility would be approximately 130 feet long, 100 feet wide and 30 feet tall. It would

serve as the temporary home for Dragon refurbishment at CCAFS until long-term operations can be established at a

new and larger facility elsewhere, A mobile static fire stand would be integrated to the northern edge of the

North Pad, to perform periodic vehicle static fires in order to test the SuperDraco launch abort and landing system.(Note: the Dragon landing system is on hold as NASA qualification is proving to complex to achieve but may be looked at in the future)