Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Reusable Launch Vehicle - Technology Demonstration (RLV-TD)

The RLV-TD is part of ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration Program.

The program, according to ISRO, is “a series of technology demonstration missions that have been considered as a first step towards realising a Two Stage To Orbit (TSTO) fully reusable vehicle.” This also is hoped to one day be upgraded to a Manned space Shuttle in the early 2030s.


The Test 1 version RLV-TD is a model 6.5 metre-long vehicle and weighs 1.75-tonne is about six times smaller than the actual version.

This RLV-TD test 1 is due to fly late May 2016 and hopes to reach around 70 kilometres into the atmosphere using a Solid fuel first stage. Although It will crash land into the Bay of Bengal as it has no undercarriage, Ships, satellites and radars will monitor its descent phase which is essentially a glider using small thrusters for navigation to ascertain especially its supersonic handling.

Even if it had an undercarriage this current experimental version cannot be brought back onto land as India lacks a runway that is longer than 5 km in length to accommodate such a landing.