
"Heavenly Palace 2"

Project 921-2 space station program. Tiangong-2 was launched on 15 September 2016. It was deorbited as planned on 19 July 2019.

Tiangong-2 was in service for over 1,000 days

What has China's first space lab Tiangong-2 achieved?

Tiangong-2 model

Tiangong 2 module has a mass of about 20 metric tons and is 47 feet (14.4 meters) long and 14 feet (4.2 meters) in diameter. Originally due to be launched in Sept 2014 Tiangong 2 was launched 15 Sept 2016 and October 2016 for the mission for the two astronauts of Shenzhou 11.

The two crew Commander Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong of Shenzhou 11 lived aboard the Tiangong 2 space laboratory for 30 days and returned safely in Inner Mongolia on the 18 November 2016 after 33 days in space.

This is to be followed in the first half of 2017 with a cargo ship Tianzhou-1 "heavenly vessel 1" using a Long March-7 rocket, then docking to Tiangong-2.

Cargo Vehicle System

The laboratory is composed of two main compartments: the “experiment cabin” that also serves as crew’s quarters; and the “resource cabin” which houses the solar panels, engines, and other equipment, to be used to conduct various experiments in the field of aerospace medicine, space sciences, on-orbit maintenance, and space station technologies such as mid-term space stays and refueling in space, Tiangong II has an air detector capable of checking for and dealing with more than 20 hazardous gases and microbes.

Crew comfort played as an important refinements, engineers installed muffler devices in the spacecraft to ensure its inner sound is kept under 50 decibels. Environmental controls will keep the temperature within the experiment cabin between 22 C and 24 C and the humidity between 45 and 55 percent.

Exercise equipment in the space lab includes a treadmill, exercise bike and acupuncture point massager to help astronauts keep healthy, a foldable, multifunctional table that can be used for dining and experiments. The astronauts will have Bluetooth headsets and Bluetooth speakers.

New floorboards. New softer lights that can have their brightness adjusted. Each astronaut has a bed lamp

The new communications systems will allow astronauts to receive and reply to emails and make calls to family and friends.

Shenzhou docking to Tiangong Space Station

China plan to have a permanent manned space station around 2022.